Across the great diversity from vast forests and marshlands to volcanic landscapes: Rangers in Europe are true mediators between humans and nature. Visitors to protected areas, neighbouring communities and economic interests – in the densely populated region Europe is, rangers mediate a variety of human needs with nature conservation. Their most important tasks therefore include duties like environmental education, visitor management and law enforcement alongside monitoring and supporting science. All for the one big goal uniting rangers worldwide: The protection of species and natural areas.
Europe’s rangers are represented by the European Ranger Federation.

IRF Members in Europe
Albania National Parks Association
Anti-Poaching Unit Foundation Sweden (APUF)
Asociace Strazcu Prirody CR
Asociacion Espanola de Agentes Forestales y Medioambientales (AEAFMA)
Associação Portuguesa de Guardas e Vigilantes da Natureza (APGVN)
Association for Protection of Environment and Beautifying o fthe Residential Area in Erdkove, Hungary
Associazione Italiana Guardie dei Parchi e delle Aree Protette (AIGAP)
Austrian Ranger Association

Bundesverband Naturwacht e.V.

Countryside Management Association (CMA)
Croatian Association of Supervisors and Guardians of Nature
Danish Nature Interpretation Association

European Ranger Federation

Fauna & Flora International

Force for Nature

Gardes Nature de France
Georgian Ranger Association

How many elephants
Hungarian Ranger Association
Landvarðafélag Íslands
Lisina Adventure – Matulji
National Protected Areas Control Agency
Polskie Towarzystwo Służb Ochrony Przyrody (PTSOP)

Ranger Association of Ireland
Ranger Association of Vojvodina
Ranger Campus Foundation

Rangers Association of Russia
Romanian Ranger Association

Scottish Countryside Rangers Association
Slovak Rangers Association
Spolek Prales dětem (Forest for Children)
Suomen Rangerit
Svenska Ranger- och Naturvårdsföreningen
Swiss Rangers Association
The European Wilderness Society
The Hai Bar, Israel Nature and Heritage Association

The SockStar Project
Volontari d’Europa O.d.V
Wolves of Lebanon