Investing in Nature-based Solutions Through Rangers

In this paper, we investigate the changing relationships between business, nature, and society. Our focus is on exploring how investment frontiers in nature can be structured to flow resources towards rangers and other essential frontline conservation workers. This is an essential step towards the effective conservation and restoration of biodiversity, which, in turn, will enhance the ecosystem services that are vital for sustaining a nature-positive economy. Our proposed investment framework acknowledges the correlation between well supported frontline conservation workers and the flow on benefits to local communities, governments, business, and investors.

We provide a summary of the various drivers behind sustainable financing at different scales, and present pathways towards attaining a regenerative, nature-positive economy. We show how these pathways for achieving environmental and social outcomes are intertwined with the services provided by rangers and other frontline conservation workers. Aspects of these pathways can be measured and can be used to monitor return on investment and track the distribution of benefits to local communities and economies. By understanding these economic flows and potential returns, we reveal the compelling economic case for investment in rangers.

We conclude by reflecting on the aspects of the ranger sector that need to be strengthened to instill confidence in investors, and to provide evidence that demonstrates how innovative partnerships can yield numerous and long-lasting benefits.