Game Rangers Association of Africa
South Africa
After achieving a degree in the Natural Sciences, Chris has been working in conservation for close on 20 years. Experiences have included reserve and wildlife management, large mammal translocation, eco-tourism, conservation project management, developing wildlife economies (particularly within community landscapes), protected area integrity, working on environmental governance issues and environmental education. He has also gained experience working in and growing membership-based NGO’s.
Chris has been deeply involved in rhino conservation since 2010 including rhino security, translocation and population expansion. He is a member of the Game Rangers Association of Africa and was Chairman of the GRAA (www.gameranger.org), serving two terms from 2012-2018. He was elected as the Africa Representative to the International Ranger Federation (IRF), in 2012 and has served on the executive since then. Alongside his work as IRF President, he works for Conservation Outcomes in South Africa (www.conservation-outcomes.org) which is a non-profit organisation created to support land that is being developed and managed for biodiversity conservation outside of traditional state protected areas.