11th IRF World Ranger Congress – Argentina 2027

The next IRF World Ranger Congress will be held at Puerto Iguazu in Argentina. It will be hosted by the Sindicato de Guardaparques Nacionales de la República Argentina (SIGUNARA).

The announcement was made on the final day of the 10th IRF World Ranger Congress at Hyeres.

Further information on the Congress will be provided here when available.

Chris Galliers, IRF President, congratulating Antuel Sánchez, National Park Ranger and General Secretary of the National Park Rangers Union of the Argentine Republic (SIGUNARA) on hosting the 2027 11th IRF World Ranger Congress. (Andy Davies)

Handing over the IRF Flag between the hosts from France to Argentina (Ranjan Ramchandani/ WWF)

11th IRF World Ranger Congress Video Announcement (English)

11th IRF World Ranger Congress Video Announcement (Spanish)